What is the True State of Digital Resilience Among CSOs in Africa?

Our RT-10 Report reveals it all. Download it below!

Resilience Technologies is thrilled to unveil our latest publication, a report documenting our findings and insights from a digital resilience assessment programme for CSOs in Sub-Saharan Africa.

In this project, we evaluated the true state of digital resilience of 8 civil society organisations across six countries in the region, all of which work in different thematic areas. 

This report details the findings of this engagement over a four-month period, capturing organisational deficiencies, our interventions, recommendations, and challenges faced during project implementation.

At the end, we proposed the “Resilience Model,” a Resilience Technologies’ model for designing and implementing true digital resilience interventions for civil society organisations.

You can download the report here: Download_RT10_Report 

For more enquiries, you may reach out to us at info@rtafrica.org